Alondra del Carmen, a Muskoka native, found her passion for dance at her hometown studio the Bracebridge School of Ballet. She danced, assisted & taught for many years under the mentorship of Evelyn Finlayson Kelly. Her passion for the arts and for guiding and encouraging others led her to pursue post-secondary education at York University. There she graduated with an Honours Bachelor of Fine Arts in Dance concurrent with a Bachelor of Education. Recently she also achieved her Master of Education from York University. While studying, Alondra took an interest in Kinesiology and earned her second teachable in health and physical education.
Alondra has successfully completed ballet exams up to & including the professional levels. She also holds the Safe In Dance teaching certificate. She is a member of the Canadian Dance Teachers Association where she will continue her professional development through educational courses and teaching exams.
Currently, Alondra is a member of several other associations including Healthy Dancer Canada, Canadian Dance Assembly, and Dance Ontario which help her keep current in the dance industry and provide information for professional development opportunities, such as the Healthy Spine and Mary Ann Lee Creative Movement for Young Children workshops through the National Ballet School.
Alondra del Carmen continues to practice many genres of dance, promote health and wellness within dance practices, and strive to foster an environment of holistic growth and development.
She is very excited to continue the legacy of the Bracebridge School of Ballet, sharing her passion and encouraging a new generation of dancers here at the Bracebridge School of Dance Arts!